Thor: Love And Thunder – Review

I finally had the chance recently to watch the brand-new Marvel film “Thor: Love and Thunder”, I have been extremely excited about this project since I loved Thor: Ragnarock, but also because I am a huge fan of Taika Waititi.
This film tells the story of how after the events of Endgame Thor goes on a journey to find a piece but is interrupted by Gorr the butcherer who intends to murder all the gods.

I have a love and hate relationship with this movie, I really must admit that the moment I left the cinema I was conflicted, confused and a bit disappointed, the movie has so much good and so much potential, but with all that it also has so many issues that its no wonder that so many people are hating it and being mad about it online.

First of all, I want to start by saying that visually this is one of the most stunning movies Marvel has ever made, I love how the movie was shot but also the effects, were jaw-dropping sometimes by just how gorgeous they looked. Also, the movie has a fantastic soundtrack! as a fan of bands like Guns N` Roses, and AC/DC I had a ton amount of fun from just the soundtrack itself!

I also want to give props for the acting, the movie has fantastic actors that are truly giving it their all with many of its scenes, one of them in particular which I just loved his performance is Christian Bale as Gorr, but ill get to that in a moment.
The movie has great humor that keeps you laughing thoroughly during most of it which also helped make it more entertaining.

Now going back to Christian Bale, like I said he is my favorite part of the movie, now I had a very big debate with some friends about his character because some didn’t like him at all, and some really liked him, I personally really liked his character, yes I am aware that because of the script his character has a lot of issues, but the way he was used I thought made him f*cking terrifying and as one of the scariest villains the MCU has ever had, and that’s like I said all thanks to the incredible performance by Christian Bale.

Unfortunately, though the movie does have a big amount of problems, which are mainly surrounding the script, unfortunately, the story focuses too much on humor and at some point just forgets itself inside the humor and doesn’t pay enough attention to actually developing the characters or the plot itself, which brought a situation where at some point some of the jokes just didn’t land anymore and the story felt really dumb and lazy.
There were also a lot of moments in the movie that because of how poorly the story was written felt “too good to be true”, like a lot of stuff that just didn’t make sense or connect and had people trying to guess alone why they worked the way they did which again shows that the writing of this movie was just really lazy, unfortunately.

To sum up, everything I have said, “Thor: Love and Thunder” is a very funny and a very entertaining movie but it’s also a mess.
My score for “Thor: Love and Thunder” is: 6.8/10

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness- Review

The new Doctor Strange film has finally arrived, this time being directed by the incredible Sam Raimi who is known for the original Spiderman trilogy with Toby Maguire and also for the classic horror franchise Evil Dead which had 3 great movies and also a great hilarious horror-comedy sequel show called “Ash vs Evil Dead”.

The first thing ill say about the movie is that the synopsis is IMDb is the funniest thing you will read after watching this movie, it’s so wrong it sounds like a whole different movie, the synopsis on IMDb is: “Dr. Stephen Strange casts a forbidden spell that opens the doorway to the multiverse, including alternate versions of himself, whose threat to humanity is too great for the combined forces of Strange, Wong, and Wanda Maximoff”. Now I won’t tell you the actual synopsis of the film because they also hide most of it in the trailers, so just to avoid major spoilers I highly suggest you go and watch this movie as fast as possible cause oh my there is a lot of stuff in this movie that you would be really sad if you get spoiled.

Now my favorite aspect of the movie is the way it’s directed, the movie just screams Sam Raimi, it shows that for the most of it Marvel really gave him as much freedom as he wanted because this is by far the goriest, violent, and scary movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe BY FAR. There are a bunch of scenes that I just looked at and couldn’t stop saying in my head “holy shit that is just straight out of the Evil Dead franchise”, which was amazing.

Now other than just great directing, the acting here is also incredible, Benedict Cumberbatch is great as Doctor Strange and Benedict Wong is great is Wong, but without a doubt, the one who stole the show here is Elizabeth Olsen, MY GOD what an incredible actress she is, she gets to do so much and show so much of her acting skills here it’s amazing, she is truly a scene-stealer throughout the entire movie.

Another thing that just made this movie so much fun and exciting are the visuals. The movie has some of the best visual effects I have ever seen, both from the magic fights and the different spells but also when ***
sorry but that I can’t say because again, spoilers 😛

The movie is fantastic but it isn’t perfect, I won’t go into too much detail but there are some moments where Sam Raimi got to go all out in the script and it got a bit too cheesy, and there is a moment where the visual effects looked pretty bad (probably that moment was from the sudden reshoots), and there is a small part of the story that feels a bit like an afterthought, which was also probably a part of the reshoots, but overall these are just small complaints that I’m sure many people will really not care about.

My score for Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness is: 8.7/10

Moon Knight- Review

So two days ago the finale of Moon Knight was released, so I can now finally express what I think about this fantastic show ( 😉 )

Moon Knight is a brand new mini-series from Marvel that tells the story of Steven Grant, a guy who works in a museum store, and how-
Oops, sorry. I am not going to talk about the synopsis anymore than that because this show is a must-watch, and also because explaining any more of the synopsis from here on will just be spoilers left and right.

Let’s start with the best part of the show, Oscar Isaac, HOLY SH!T what an actor, the guy is so mesmerizing and fantastic in the show, it almost felt at certain moments like he is just doing whatever he is doing in order to flex his acting skills lol. In other words, he gives in my opinion the best performance we have ever seen from him.

Now the show is also directed really beautifully, it has a lot of great shots, especially when it comes to the action ( which is choreographed incredibly ) and it makes every action scene really intense, thrilling, and exciting. The director also did an incredible job with some of the more emotional moments of the show which really feels gut-punching and tear-jerking at some moments which was great to see.

Overall, Moon Knight is a fantastic show, yes it has some weaker moments but it’s definitely a really well-made huge step forward for Marvel. I came really hyped and with a lot of expectations for stuff like the vibe of the show and how mature it is going to be and I can happily say it marked all of those, I can’t wait to see what Marvel does next with this character!

Also, the post-credit scene at the end of episode 6 got my mind going aiufjsnadlkgnoadu lmao

My overall score for Marvel’s Moon Knight is: 8.5/10

Moon Knight’s 4 First Episodes Length Revealed

The length of the first four episodes of the highly anticipated upcoming Marvel show “Moon Knight” has been officially revealed.
Lately, screeners for the first 4 episodes have been passed to the press and to different critics, and thanks to them we officially know the official length of the episodes.

  • Episode 1 will be 45 minutes long.
  • Episodes 2 and 3 will be 50 minutes long.
  • Episode 4 will be 51 minutes long.

The show is going to be starring Oscar Isaac as the titular character and the synopsis of the show is: “A former U.S. Marine, struggling with dissociative identity disorder, is granted the powers of an Egyptian moon god. But he soon finds out that these newfound powers can be both a blessing and a curse to his troubled life.” (synopsis taken from IMDb)

The show will start streaming on March 30th, 2022 on Disney+

Ms. Marvel- Official Trailer

Ms. Marvel has gotten its first official trailer.

The show looks like it’s going to be a total 180 shift from their soon releasing “Moon Knight” show, where Moon Knight is more for adults from the looks of it, Ms. Marvel looks to aim more at teenagers with what looks like teenager drama plots and a story about how the unpopular kid turns into a superhero.

Ms. Marvel starts streaming on Disney+ on June 8th, 2022.

Marvel Adds Actor Aaron Pierce To “Blade” Cast

Marvel has officially announced that another actor that will be a part of the upcoming Blade movie is Aaron Pierre as an unknown role, he is previously known for playing in the movie Old, and in the show Krypton.

The cast for the movie so far has Mahershala Ali (Luke Cage, House of Cards), Delroy Lindo(Da 5 Bloods, Malcolm X), and now also Aaron Pierre.

The movie is directed by Bassam Tariq(Ghosts of Sugar Land, Mogul Mowgli), and it’s written by Gene Colan(Blade Trilogy), Stacy Osei-Kuffour(Watchmen, The Morning Show), and Mary Wolfman(Blade Tilogy, Young Justice).

Moon Knight Gets It’s First Official Trailer

I had feelings that Moon Knight might be the show I am most hyped for in 2022 currently, and this trailer just confirmed that for me, it looks nothing like any MCU project we have seen until now and in a good way.

Moon Knight is going to star Oscar Isaac as the titular character and it’s going to release on March 30th, 2022.

The show will have 6 episodes.

Morbius Get’s Delayed.. Again….

Sony Pictures has released a statement saying they are delaying Morbius for the 7TH TIME.
This time they are delaying the movie by 3 months, so now the new release date of Morbius is April 1st, 2022 instead of January 28th, 2022.

Morbius has been delayed twice already, it was supposed to originally come out on July 31st, 2020, but due to the covid situation it was delayed all the way to March 19th, 2021, after that it was delayed again to October 8th, 2021, AND THEN it was delayed to January 28th, 2022.

My hopes are that the fact that Sony is delaying this poor movie so much is because they really believe in the project.

Morbius is a spinoff movie for the Spiderman franchise and it tells the origin story of the popular villain Morbius.

The story will follow Biochemist Michael Morbius and how he tries to cure himself of a rare blood disease but instead, he accidentally infects himself with some sort of vampirism.

Morbius is starring Jared Leto (Requiem for a Dream, Dallas Buyers Club, Suicide Squad) as the character of Michael Morbius and it’s directed by Daniel Espinosa (Life, Child 44, Safe House).