The Crow’s Eye – Review

So recently I received a key for a game called The Crow’s Eye which came out in 2017, so I played it, and even actually completed it, and I wanted to talk about it.

I’ll start by talking about one of the aspects of the game that I enjoyed the most, the aesthetics. The game looks incredible, it was made by a small group of people, and for a small developer team this game looks extremely impressive, it has great level design and the look of it feels like a mix of the outlast game with the BioShock games, which are two franchises that I love.

The second aspect that I really liked was the sound design, the game does a great job to set a very ominous atmosphere using sound, which really helps it with certain moments. Also, another part that was great in my opinion was the puzzles, the game is at its core a puzzle game, and the puzzles here all felt fair, they weren’t too hard but those that were a bit more challenging didn’t feel like you need to bang your head for hours until you get the answer, instead they felt like very fair trial-and-error puzzles.

Unfortunately, there were also aspects that I didn’t like, and I want to start by talking about the gameplay. While yes I did praise the look of the game and its level design and how it handled its puzzles, the game does struggle in the gameplay because it introduces mechanics that while interesting in their ideas, felt to me in many places very clunky, and in some places even got me soft locked sometimes and made me reload my last save which was pretty frustrating. Another aspect of the gameplay that was problematic in my opinion is that I personally felt like the game didn’t really understand its own identity, what I mean by that is that it starts off feeling like a survival horror game, and while it keeps some tiny horror game it at certain point turned into an investigation game, then into a thriller puzzle game and then tried to be horror again for a short time, but the tone itself never felt very consistent and was disappointing cause I do feel like the game has a lot of moments where it shined in certain tones it did, but at other times I didn’t know whether to feel scared and tensed or just confused and sometimes even bored. (I also want to mention that the game lets you do stuff like crafts bandages which makes it feel like it’s going to be survival horror but then you find that you can beat the game without healing once, so you don’t really need to do any crafting…. unless it’s for an item that you need in order to solve a puzzle)

The last aspect I want to talk about which I also found disappointing was the story. In the game you play as someone who finds himself in the middle of a medical university trying to understand how you got there, why you are there, and what happened there. while it starts really interesting, the amount of super long and confusing notes, with a lot of voice tapes that usually even confuse you more just makes you feel lost in the story, which when you finish the game spoiler alert, skip to the next paragraph you get a 10-minute cutscene of the “villain” of the game explaining the whole story and it just felt both lazy and also like the studio understood that when making such a complicated story in such a short game they won’t be able to tell it well throughout the game.

Overall though it was an alright game, yes the story is pretty confusing and the mechanics are pretty clunky and sometimes to a frustrating degree, but it was still a very interesting short puzzle survival game.

My score for The Crow’s Eye is: 6.5/10

Five Nights At Freddy’s Security Breach Ruin DLC – Review

So recently the new DLC for one of my favorite indie horror franchise’s latest games has been released, now yes like I just said I am a huge Five Nights At Freddy’s fan, I can’t wait to see the movie, and also play the upcoming Help Wanted 2 game, but it doesn’t mean I am not going to be critical of those games. You saw in my review of Security Breach that I thought it was a great game, I just wished it was more polished, so now that the DLC is out how is it holding up compared to the full game? Let’s talk about it.

First of all, let’s talk about the biggest difference from the original game and that is polishing, while Security Breach was a broken mess where you can get no-clipped out of the world every couple of steps or that it had many areas where your fps would sink down, Ruin does a much better job and is almost fully polished, the game runs smoothly without too many bugs and while I did see that some people online get no-clipped sometimes, I personally didn’t get that throughout my playthrough.

The second part I wanna mention and praise is the design, I think the team that designed this DLC did a fantastic job, the whole location you are in and the animatronics themselves look great and they make the mood of the game much dark and creepy which makes it feel much more like a horror game, which security breach did fail on a bit in the past. The sound design in this DLC is also great and also helps set the mood much better.

The last thing I would like to praise in this DLC is the mechanics. During the Ruin DLC, you discover a couple of new mechanics that I found to be very cool and unique, which brought some interesting new puzzles.

Unfortunately, this is where I stop praising the game, as even in areas where I praised it there are things I didn’t like about them… I’ll start by talking about the mechanics that I just mentioned. While the mechanics look cool and bring new puzzles that you didn’t see in security breach, after you do these puzzles about 3 – 4 times you realize that for the rest of the game, the puzzles just repeat themselves and never change, which made the game super repetitive.

Another part that I praised but was also in some places disappointed in was the design, while the place looks awesome and the animatronics have great models, the levels themselves were designed in my opinion pretty badly. The game doesn’t feel at any point challenging, you can complete it super fast and easily without dying over 5 – 8 times, for me personally, the only part I got mad over and died a couple of times in wasn’t because it was hard, it was because of 2 different aspects: 1. the level design was pretty cramped and in my opinion, it had a lazy design, and 2. one of the bugs the game did have that affected a lot of why I died was the animatronics range, in many moments the animatronics stood like 20 meters away from me and then suddenly for no reason I would get a jumpscare, that got very frustrating in the certain part I mentioned because there were a lot of very small animatronics that get triggered super easily and chase you for a very long time so if you slow down for a moment they can be bugged and catch you from really far away.

The last thing that I want to talk about that really pissed me off was the story, while yes the story of the FNAF series is very convoluted and confusing this time it just felt lazy (like most other aspects of this dlc… )
The story was repetitive and got boring extremely fast, it was extremely predictable and the endings were some of the worst I have ever seen for games in the past few years.

Overall I was very disappointed, I went into the DLC excited as an FNAF fan, and at first, it looked all cool and spooky with some very awesome-looking mechanics but then I realized that the more I play the more repetitive and boring the DLC felt…

My overall score for FNAF Security Breach Ruin DLC is: 4.5/10

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners – Review

Many of you may not know this about me but I love Cyberpunk, I love the world, the settings, the stories, and the characters, I just love the source material so much, even when the game Cyberpunk 2077 came out I was acknowledging all of its problems but I was still defending it cause I still saw all of the incredible parts it has, which were A LOT.
I will admit there were times when I was really mad at the devs but even though I was mad, I still had faith, and lately, with the latest patches they started to show me that I wasn’t holding hope for nothing, but even with the patches and the game slowly getting to the point where it’s actually supposed to be, the thing that did actually remind me of why I love this source material so much was the recent collab between CDPR and Studio TRIGGER, which as you all know by now, its the new anime “Cyberpunk Edgerunners”.

—Small warning ahead of the review: Cyberpunk is a very mature material, dont show this to any kid—

Cyberpunk Edgerunners is a brand new story in the gorgeous Night City, this time following brand new character David Martinez, who after dealing with the loss of his mother and how harsh the city could be to people who are in the lower class, decides to become a cyberpunk, and embarks on a super emotional journey.

Now first of all I want to talk about the animation, studio TRIGGER are known for their crazy animation style with insanely over-the-top action scenes, and while yes they do have it here, and its also probably the goriest their animation ever was, they make it so their style is a bit tamer than usual so it will fit the source material. Still, just because it’s tamer doesn’t mean it’s bad, the complete opposite actually, this show has some incredible fight scenes that will keep you and everyone else who watches at the edge of their seat while watching them.

The second thing I would like to mention that I loved is the characters, while yes the writing sometimes is a bit too cheesy, but they write some of the characters incredibly well here and make some incredibly emotional moments with some of them, one episode in specific had me so emotional and shocked by how tense it is and what a crazy journey it makes you and the character you see in that episode go through.

And the last thing, I won’t say much about it but it was still an amazing part, the soundtrack. Every episode has so many great songs that help the atmosphere in different scenes so much and makes certain scenes so much more impactful.

The only bad thing I can say is that like I mentioned before, the writing was at parts a bit weak and too cheesy, still doesn’t mean its bad, it’s overall very good most of the time.

To sum up everything, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners was what I was waiting for all along, a sign to remind me and show other people why this source material is so amazing and why they should still give the game a chance, I cant wait to see more Cyberpunk content like this in the future!
My score for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is: 9.5/10 (yes I am bias, deal with it this time lol)

Resident Evil 4 Remake- Reveal Trailer

It’s finally here!!!!

The first official trailer for the highly anticipated remake of Resident Evil 4! and there is a surprise, they also put in the trailer the release date for the game which is now officially March 24th, 2023!

After the huge success of the amazing remake of Resident Evil 2 and the alright remake of Resident Evil 3 we are finally getting the one everyone have been waiting for! the Resident Evil 4 Remake!

Here is the trailer:

Bruce Willis Is Retiring

It’s Official, Bruce Willis has officially announced that he has decided that he will soon retire from acting.

The announcement was made by a post on Bruce’s family’s Instagram accounts with them announcing that he has to retire from acting due to having aphasia, a cognitive disease that hurts the ability of a person to communicate with others properly.

The family said in the post’s caption: “To Bruce’s amazing supporters, as a family we wanted to share that our beloved Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and has recently been diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities. As a result of this and with much consideration Bruce is stepping away from the career that has meant so much to him.
This is a really challenging time for our family and we are so appreciative of your continued love, compassion and support. We are moving through this as a strong family unit, and wanted to bring his fans in because we know how much he means to you, as you do to him.
As Bruce always says, “Live it up” and together we plan to do just that.
Emma, Demi, Rumer, Scout, Tallulah, Mabel, & Evelyn”.

Bruce is known for acting in a lot of movies, most of them were very iconic such as the “die-hard” franchise, Armageddon, and also other iconic movies such as “The Sixth Sense” and “Pulp Fiction”.

There are still a couple of movies that are in production and are going to release soon that he is going to be in but he is officially retiring and closing his career here.

I just want to end this and say that I am a very big fan of some of Bruce’s works such as “Unbreakable”, and the original “Die Hard” and for that, I want to thank you Bruce for all of the great times.

Halo TV Series Premiere- Review

Before I start this review I just want to clarify, I came to this show as a non-fan of the game, it’s not that I don’t like them but I just never got to play them, I also never got to read any of the novels or comics so I came to this show very open-minded hoping for some good time and maybe an engaging story.

Now, as the first episode for a TV series, it was decent, the story overall seems very interesting and looks like they are taking some of the most beloved characters from the games and trying to flesh them out more give them more emotional depth (which they probably also have in the game, again I have never gone into the Halo franchise before). Though unfortunately, I do have some issues with this episode which I hope will be improved later on in the show.

My first problem is the special effects, the action in this show overall is great, it has some really good choreography with some really fun First-Person POV moments like the old Doom movie that had the Rock in it, it also features a lot of the famous weapons fans of the game will recognize and be happy to see like the famous energy sword, but unfortunately, some of the effects here and the CGI are really poorly done, and not only on the monsters but also on the weapons and on the Spartans themselves which makes certain moments of action feel really weird and instead of a halo show makes it feel more like you are watching a Power Ranger show.

My second problem with this episode that I really really hope will improve later on is the acting, I found many moments of this episode so poorly acted it made me cringe sometimes.

I also see a lot of chatter online about this so ill mention this here really quickly, yes, Master Chief does unmask in this episode, and yes he speaks A LOT in here, which again as a non-fan myself it didn’t bother me that much, but I get why a lot of fans would be upset so I thought I should mention it here.

Overall I did enjoy the first episode, I think the story looks very interesting and promising, and the action was mostly really well made and fun, which shows me the show does have a chance still of being really good, hopefully, they won’t mess it up later on and hopefully, the acting and special effects will get better later on as well.

My score for the premiere of the Halo TV Series is: 7.5/10

Andoird 21 (Lab Coat) Is Joining The Battle

Bandai Namco has announced that a “new” character is joining the roster of Dragon Ball FighterZ, this time they are adding Android 21 in her human form.
You can buy her now and try her out.

Here is the trailer and the announcement: